Moving to Kingsley
I thought I would carry on the introductions this week. I have been running Shadowbright for 6 years and I haven’t shared much about myself in that time. About 9 months ago we moved from Manchester to a village called Kingsley near Delamere Forest. It has been an amazing experience for all of us. I now get to work from home, the commute is much easier. I just need to walk to the garage. I now need to learn to stop putting the kettle on every 5 minutes and eating all the time.

We wanted to move out of the city as we were craving space and to be a bit closer to nature. We found that we didn’t go into Manchester as much since having kids and that we would probably go in just as much if we moved.

We have quickly learned to love this part of the country, an area that I was already quite familiar with having spent a lot of time visiting the area during my childhood with my family. We are now surrounded by wildlife, weather, and woodland. However, should we decide to pop into the city, we now have the choice of three great cities nearby.

In Salford we only had a small yard and since moving to the country we have been really enjoying gardening. Watch out for patterns inspired by the flowers and the countryside coming soon.

I also now have much more practical clothing than I did living in the city. I went into Manchester recently for the day and went in a raincoat, jeans and walking boots. My husband laughed at me. Seems you can’t get my walking boots off my feet these days.